We'd like to thank you for visiting our site and we hope you enjoy the works you are about to see.We are based in New York city, the greatest city in the world and probably the best place to be an artist.We are airbrush artists with over 30 years of work experience. We specialize in photo realistic portrait work. The bulk of our jobs are T-shirts and other apparel such as jackets, caps, pants, hoodies and sneakers. We've painted on just about every surface you can think of.We have also done work on resin figures, canvas paintings, wall murals as well as helmets, body painting, automobiles and motorcycles.Our experience is not limited to just airbrushing. We have experience in sculpting, mold making / casting and illustration, which includes graffitti, comic art, and caricatures.
We believe in giving our customers the best work possible for a reasonable price. There are many airbrush artists out there, not just in N.Y. but all over the country. We do our best work no matter if it's a $25 cartoon t-shirt or an $800 motorcycle being painted. Our motto is to do the best piece of artwork no matter the price while some of our competitors motto is " I won't turn on my compressor for less than $100".Our hope, for this web site, is to get our name and our work out there so we can increase our sales and make a living doing what we love to do. Just as other artists have been and still are part of our professional lives, we would be greatly humbled if our work encouraged and inspired other artists in return.
Please return as many times as you like and contact us anytime. Enjoy!!
Please return as many times as you like and contact us anytime. Enjoy!!